To get a continuous flow of fermentation and to deal with all your food waste you need a Bokashi Kit which includes 2 buckets. Whether you have two purpose-made Bokashi buckets or are repurposing existing containers, the setup is straightforward:
For Purpose-Made Bokashi Buckets:
Order a Bokashi Bucket or Value Pack here Get your buckets set up. Unpack your kit, fit your tap and sump and secure the lid to ensure an airtight environment.
Using Existing Buckets:
Ensure your buckets are clean and have tight-fitting lids. If it’s not airtight, consider using a strong, sealed bag inside the bucket to maintain an anaerobic condition.
It’s an advantage to have a tap or sump to drain the liquid but it’s not essential. Your LIVE Bokashi Bran ferments anaerobically whether or not the liquid is separated.
Location and Support:
Place your Bokashi system in a location that’s convenient yet away from heat and sunlight, Choose a spot away from direct heat and sunlight. A porch, or garage or utility room or kitchen will work well. Your Bokashi Buckets can be set up outside, but the fermentation works faster when the units are sheltered and as near to room temperature as practical.
For guidance tailored to your setup, including tips for those repurposing containers, visit