Collection Page
Subscribe & Save

Subscribe & Save gives you the peace of mind that you won’t run out of essentials or indeed goodies when you need them the most. The products are delivered with our standard delivery, and you can set them up to be delivered at regular intervals from one week to one month.
You will save up to 10%, and in the true spirit of Wigglyness there is no sign-up fee, no obligations, and you can cancel your subscription at any time with absolutely no hassle.
PLEASE NOTE: When you sign up for Subscribe and Save you can choose the delivery intervals, but not the amount of times we deliver. However, you can at ANY POINT stop the delivery by suspending it in your account.
Please Note: The quantity option is how many of this product you will receive each time at your selected frequency. It is not the number of orders you will receive in total - if you wish to end your subscription please get in touch with us.