The Wiggly Podcast - Episode 269 - Monday Night's Alright for Mucking

Join Heather for a wander around the farm on a lovely Monday Night. Mavro's up to his old antics, Farmer Phil's mucking out the cows and our cutting patch is blooming away! Our fresh flowers can be ordered from

In this week's ASK WIGGLY, Heather lets you know that it's okay to leave Woodlice in your worm composter - they help compost and work okay with your worms.


 At this difficult time we are not allowing visitors onto Lower Blakemere Farm, but don't fret you can still get a peek into life on the Wiggly farm with our New Wiggly Podcast! If you're as sad as we are about The Archers skipping a day, then we've got your Friday fix right here.

Each Friday, join the Gorringes (The Archers of Blakemere) for a new episode - including Heather's wiggly updates, the farming catch-up with Farmer Phil, the return of the (now older) Monty Cast and lots of other interviews!

So run a bath (or whatever you do when you listen to podcasts) settle in and let us invite you for a slice of country life from the heart of Herefordshire.

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At one point The Wiggly Podcast was the #1 gardening Podcast on iTunes and even made it onto the homepage - Episode 1-259 is available on our YouTube page here

If you have a question to ask Farmer Phil or Heather (whether it's about bird food, farming, composting, country life or anything else...) Please leave it at the page below and we will feature it in our new segment ASK WIGGLY/ ASK FARMER PHIL!


Here at Wiggly HQ we are always keen to support wildlife and we know you are as well. Bringing our gardens to life has always been a fundamental principal of what we do – whether that is using worms or micro-organisms to compost our waste or simply feed the birds.

We realised early on we needed to do our bit here to help these situations and so we have pledged our support in two ways:

1: We will give £1 for every order over £30 received during this crisis

2: We will add a box onto our order form where you the customer can add a donation which we can add to the fund.This is going really well and so far we have accumulated over £1000 and so we are ready to give out the first set of grants.

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