Back in the Day…
Here we are in June 2001 when Jodie and Heather were tasked with introducing over 50,000 worms of one sort or another into the soil at The Eden Project…

There were a few challenges to overcome… 1: Heather had broken her leg and 2: The worms decided to go walkabout whilst the team had lunch. It was a lovely warm wet day and they took off out of the soil and escaped onto the tarmac paths…. When Heather and Jodie came out of the cafe having had a delightful snack there was a queue of people on each side of the worm procession… The team quickly repatriated the wigglers and finished the job over the course of two days.

The Eden Project was constructed in a worked out china clay pit. There was no soil, so 85,000 tonnes of artificial soils were created from recycled mineral wastes and composted green and bark wastes. Working in partnership with the University of Reading’s Horticulture Department on a range of artificial soil recipes developed by them, Pete Whitbread-Abrutat instigated pilot scale, artificial soil trials at Eden’s nursery and planted then with a range of plants from the different biomes of the future Eden.
Wiggly Wigglers task was to add worms which of course helped with drainage, soil structure and fertility!
Worth noting that when you add your finished worm compost to the soil there will always be some worms and worm eggs in it and these will naturally help your own garden soil and the presence of composting worms has been proven to encourage deeper burrowing worms to thrive as well.
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