This was a heck of a year for Wiggly Wigglers. First we won the European Dell Small Business Award and ended up meeting Michael Dell and the other businesses in that hotel in Berlin where Michael Jackson dangled his baby over the balcony…. There were some fabulous businesses there and we were absolutely amazed to win. Then we went onto win the Global Award which was unbelievable. At the time because of my Nuffield Study Tour we were pretty innovative in terms of taking orders online, putting out a weekly podcast and using social media - which at the time was pretty new. We found it helped us to connect with people wherever they were and was much better than us trying to sell through garden centres which was the other option at that time.

These days ALL our orders are online and whilst we answer queries quickly via email and beyond we don’t have to sit by the phones which means we can get out on the farm or into despatch and concentrate on the practicalities of running a farm business.

Winning the Global Small Business Excellence award was a fabulous opportunity for Wigglys and for our own personal development. We ended up speaking at conferences in New York, Miami, Washington and Korea!!!! Unbelievable for a small business in rural Herefordshire selling a few worms...

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