Wiggly Wigglers and the San Francisco Chronicle...

Back in 2005 we launched the Wiggly Podcast - the idea was that it was like The Archers… BUT real!

We interviewed all sorts of people 
Tim Smit from the Eden Project, Robin Page with a squirrel tasting session, and had lots of arguments about hedges, farming and more…
Imagine our shock and surprise when we stormed up the iTunes podcast chart and ended up between Chris Evans and Nasa in the top 10! 
Then came a review in The San Francisco Chronicle!!!! At the time this was read by squillions of Californians and here’s what Amy Stewart said about our show!

"Here's a challenge for you: Go to iTunes and do a search for the word "gardening" in its podcast section.

It isn't pretty. You'll find a dozen or so local radio or television garden experts presenting weekly tips. A few horticultural-supply companies have begun producing a podcast to advertise their products. And there are a couple of lone gardeners broadcasting musings into cyberspace.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. But do any of us really want to take up precious space on our iPods with a tip from a Nebraska gardener on growing tomatoes? Where's the passion? Where's the controversy? Where's the fun?

It's in the English countryside, that's where. From a small farm in Herefordshire, 150 miles west of London, comes what may be the world's best gardening podcast.

Heather Gorringe, owner of an agricultural enterprise called Wiggly Wigglers, sits in her living room every week and chats up a lively cast of farmers, gardeners, naturalists and other hangers-on. What makes this podcast worth listening to is that these people have ideas and opinions. They rant. They tease. They stir things up. I may not have much to say on the Great English Hedgerow Debate that has raged over the Wiggly Wigglers airwaves recently, but I love listening in."

Thanks Amy.
PS Amy Stewart wrote a great book on worms "The Earth Moved” and on flowers “Flower Confidential” Both well worth a read.

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