Top Tips on Keeping Your Birds Healthy and Happy


Birds of a feather!

Feeding our garden birds can make a huge difference to their numbers (and it's very enjoyable too!) However, just occasionally you may come across a dead or dying bird near the feeder. More often than not, this turns out to be a greenfinch - but it could also be sparrow or another type of finch. It is most likely that the bird has contracted a form of food poisoning, like salmonella.


These problems are less likely to occur in the wild, as birds just wouldn't feed in such large numbers at same time and in the same place day after day.

However, the good news is that this problem is very easily sorted:



    • If you feed a seed like black sunflower, which has a husk, then clear up the waste regularly (add them to your compost heap - worms adore them!).



    • Feeders and bird tables need to be cleaned every few weeks using a proper disinfectant.


    • It's a good idea to move your feeders or bird table to different positions around your garden every few weeks.


    • Keep your bird bath clean and refresh the water regularly.


Use gloves, wash your hands and pat yourself on the back for making sure your birds of a feather can still flock together!

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