A Gift that shows you care
You would be surprised how many people would really enjoy receiving a feeder. They are slightly unusual, and a little offbeat, but they do show you care for the friend or loved one and also for our wildlife as a whole.
Unusual and British Design
For people who really appreciate the wild- life in their garden we have some fantastic designs we're sure they won't have seen before. For city dwellers devoid of a garden space we offer window feeders - compact solutions to draw wildlife to your home.
When you want a small but practical gift, our feeders start at £6!
And if you're really not sure what to pick, we also offer Wiggly Gift Vouchers available from £5.00 up to £100.00!
View our Full range of feeders here - https://www.wigglywigglers.co.uk/collections/nesting-and-feeders