A couple of weeks ago Phil the Gardener had a chat with Phil the Farmer and ended up planting 80 metres of mixed hedge up the edge of our drive next to the fence. Although the fence does a good job in terms of stock proofing, the hedge will look wonderful and I dont think there are many things better than a native hedge for providing habitat and food for your birds, bugs and bees. Hedging is definately on the increase on our farms, I read over 200 miles of hedging has been planted/re-instated lately, wouldn't it be great to see another 200 miles in our back garden - and they would cover up all that larch lap.....
It took Phil less than a day to plant the 80 metres all told, the bare roots mean that theres no digging needed, just a spade slit and then you can slide the plant in. Usually bare root hedging is supplied as whips - one year old plants but Al grows hers on for 2 years so that they are sturdier, more resistant and less likely to be affected by rabbits.
Alison says that because Spring has been pretty cold and therefore late this year that usually she stops supplying bare root plants at the end of March, but this year she can carry on for an extra week. So.......that means that if you want to plant a mixed native hedge this year for your wildlife and indeed as a boundary you have until Friday 7th April to order and then you'll need to get your skates on (or better still your wellies) because the plants need to be in the ground by the 10th.
Our new catalogue is out, many thanks to all those involved. There's some great photos sent in by John Harding and Mark Ecclestone. If yours hasn't arrived yet you can order one on the Wiggly Website
or email wiggly@wigglywigglers.co.uk
Extra time to plant your hedge....but not much!

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