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Microgreens + Regrow




Growing microgreen plants indoors on windowsills is a common practice, especially in smaller houses or urban regions where access to outside gardening space may be limited. A satisfying and enjoyable hobby, growing microgreen plants indoors can also assist to purify the air within your home and add a touch of nature.

You'll need a sunny windowsill with lots of natural light to start microgreens gardening. Choose a location that receives direct sunshine for a few hours each day as most plants need at least six hours of sunlight per day.\

Our new range of Microgreens solutions from Plastia (the makers of our Urbalives) - small and easy to use!

Microgreens such as kale, romaine lettuce, pea shoots, and spinach serve as excellent food options for bearded dragons. These microgreens are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a valuable and nourishing complement to a bearded dragon's dietary intake.