Beyond the Wiggle DECEMBER 2020 :) Our Latest News from the Farm!

Dear Wiggly Customer 
We hope all goes well with you and yours and that you have a very Happy Christmas. From what we have seen here in terms of orders your garden birds are going to do very well indeed. I suppose as all of us are staying home more we get to appreciate our garden wildlife, and at the same time they get more support from more people - which has to be one positive result from a global pandemic...

Down on the Farm
All the autumn planting has been done and compared to last year this is a miracle. Last year at this point Farmer Phil and team had nothing in the ground that was viable… The next big job is to vaccinate all the cattle against leptospirosis and BVD in cattle. Whilst this won’t be comparable to national vaccine roll out it will involve all the cows - each having one injection and this happens every year. For those of you not sure this is not a case of wandering around the cowshed with a needle. Cows are not too keen really so we have to use the handling yard and “cattle crush” which isn’t as bad as it sounds… It just safely restrains the animal and stops the cow men and women getting a good kicking when Blossom gets her feet up… 

The cows are eating grass seed straw which is made on farm and rolled barley which is also grown on the farm at the moment along with some protein and minerals to make up a bespoke ration which is fed morning and night. Now they have been in for a few weeks they have established their hierarchy within the group this means number 51 (Simmental cross - short a feisty sort) will always be first in line… However, this strategy does not mean she will have the best slot - some brighter beasts have worked out that if you go a little further down the line there is less jostling and easier munching…

We’d like to thank SO SO many of you Wiggly customers who have supported our team here by popping over to and buying your Christmas dried wreaths and fresh flowers. If you haven’t yet done so there are the most lovely presents there for families and folks on their own which we know you and they will love. Last day for despatch is 22nd December BUT don’t let it until then to order - we only have so many flowery elves working here and we only have so many British Flowers to send so please order today if you can (you can choose a delivery slot near to Christmas at the moment). 
A Wiggly Christmas Tip...
One tip I must share with you is that IF you want to buy a Wiggly Worm Composting Kit for a loved one for Christmas please choose the complete kit with all the extras but instead of live worms make sure you choose the VOUCHER option! This means you can keep the kit until Christmas Day (you cannot keep live worms for this length of time) and the recipient can set it up and just claim their free worms online and we will send them on to them in the New Year. This message is essential to worm welfare and a less stressful Christmas Day :)

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