New Blog from Simon Sherlock about our Urbalive Wormery


If you're looking for more information on our Urbalive Worm Composter - look no further!

The lovely Simon Sherlock has a Wormery which he has unboxed, reviewed and provided lots of tips on how to setup on his blog!

Here's a small preview;

Back in 1996, or thereabouts, I bought my first wormery as I wanted a neat way of composting our food waste and producing amazing compost of such quality that I truly think it is more of a fertiliser than a compost. Moving on 20 years I have owned and tried a number of different wormeries, some which have worked well (the one from 1996 is still going strong) and some not so well.

So when Heather, from Wiggly Wigglers (the company that built itself around composting with worms but has now branched out into growing and selling their own bird food mixes and the absolutely brilliant Great British Florist supplying flower arrangements made wholly from British flowers) asked me if I would trial a new wormery they want to sell I jumped at the chance.

Read the full article here;

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